IR/Disclosure Policy

Fundamental IR Policy

1.Policy on Constructive Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors

The Company shall also hold constructive dialogue proactively with shareholders and investors on occasions other than the General Meeting of Shareholders for the purpose of seeking sustainable growth and increased corporate value over the mid- to long-term. Through dialogue with shareholders and investors, the Company shall accurately and timely provide information on the Company's management policy, business outline, performance, etc., and explain the same specifically and in a comprehensible way, reflecting their interest and concern.

2.System of IR Activities

The Company shall designate the Officer in charge of general affairs as the Officer who is responsible for all the IR activities (Chief IR Officer) in order to promote constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors. The department in charge of IR (General Affairs Dept.) shall organize a system that enables a smooth response to shareholders and investors, including sharing information with all departments concerned in an intimate way.

3.Efforts with Respect to Enhancement of IR Activities

The Company shall conduct the following activities throughout the year:

  • To hold a financial statements briefing (mainly for analysts, institutional investors and mass media)
  • To hold a small meeting after the announcement of financial statements
  • To issue the shareholder newsletters and annual reports
  • To hold a field trip to factories
  • To respond to management interviews for the mass media
  • To provide various release information through the Company's website

In addition to the foregoing, the Company shall hold constructive dialogues with shareholders and investors through many kinds of ways and means, where necessary.

4.Feedback to Management

Opinions, etc., from shareholders and investors at a financial statements briefing, a meeting, etc. shall be reported to the senior management. The Company shall seek increased corporate value, using the same as a reference when it conducts business activities.

5.Dealing with Insider Information

The Company shall present its fundamental policies for information disclosure in "Disclosure Policy." The Company shall refrain from answering questions on a meeting with shareholders and investors and on material facts by setting a quiet period, from the viewpoint of the prevention of the leakage of and the fairness of material facts including information on financial statements. In a meeting with shareholders and investors, the Company shall only deal with information that has been disclosed through the announcement of financial statements, etc. in principle and shall not refer to undisclosed material facts.

6.Organization in Charge of Improvement or Elimination

The improvement or elimination of the Policy shall be drafted by the department in charge of IR (General Affairs Dept.) and put into operation upon a resolution at the meeting of the Board of Directors.

Disclosure Policy

1.Basic disclosure policy

The Company discloses information to its stakeholders, including shareholders and other investors, in an impartial, timely and appropriate manner so that they can understand and properly evaluate the Company's business activities.

2.Methods of disclosure

The Company discloses information through the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the Electronic Disclosure for Investors' NETwork (EDINET) provided by the Financial Services Agency in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the Timely Disclosure Rules, and also promptly makes information available on the Company website.

3.Quiet period

In order to prevent any unauthorized disclosure of financial information and ensure impartiality, the Company sets a quiet period starting one month prior to the release of its financial results. During this period, the Company refrains from conducting meetings with its shareholders and other investors, and from responding to inquiries regarding its financial information.

4.Earnings forecasts and other forward-looking statements

Earnings forecasts and other forward-looking statements released by the Company are based on information currently available and certain assumptions deemed rational at the time. Accordingly, actual earnings results and other outcomes may vary greatly from such forecasts and statements due to a variety of factors.

5.Matters Related to Fair Disclosure Rule

The Company complies with the Fair Disclosure Rule based on Article 27-36 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and provides fair and appropriate information disclosure to shareholders and investors. When officers of the Company or the department in charge of IR, etc. have disclosed important information (important information yet to be publically disclosed that relates to the running, operations or assets of the Company that may have a significant impact on the investment decisions of investors) to a related party of a transaction, etc. (financial instruments business operator, registered financial institution, credit rating agency, investment corporation, or other party specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance, or an officer of such party, etc.), the Company shall provide public disclosure of the pertinent information swiftly by using the Timely Disclosure network (TDnet) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange or the Company’s website, etc.